What Is Constipation And How Is It Diagnosed by a Los Angeles Surgeon?

For anyone who has ever felt the urge to have a bowel movement to no avail, they know how uncomfortable and frustrating it can be. Not being able to have a productive bowel movement is something that every individual will experience in their lifetime at one point or another. In most cases, it can be a condition that is fleeting, and is rarely serious, but for some sufferers, it can be a chronic condition marked with pain and secondary consequences. There are many different definitions of constipation and ways in which it is diagnosed, and they vary between episodes as well as between people. Because each person has their own regulation for bowel elimination, having one clear way for it to be diagnosed in Los Angeles, and to know what the causes are can be difficult.

Constipation is when a person can not have an efficient bowel movement. When trying to move the bowels, they either have discomfort, experience a straining to pass stool, or they are unable to pass them all together. The severity of the constipation can vary each time you consider yourself constipated. For some, not having a daily bowel movement is troublesome, while still others can go for two to three days before they experience any kind of adverse effect. Each system is different and so too will be the the way that constipation is diagnosed.

What is Constipation in General Terms

 Constipation is when a person’s colon does not have enough water to pass stool from it efficiently. When the colon absorbs too much fluid from the food we eat, it makes the feces hard and dry. When it becomes harder than average, it then becomes more difficult for the colon to move through the system and can cause discomfort for the individual. The overall underlying cause of constipation, therefore, is lack of enough fluid in the bowel for your system to operate optimally. The cause for the over-absorption by the colon is usually a slow digestive tract.

There are many reasons why a digestive tract will not function at the speed it should to keep a person regular. When an individual changes their daily routine in subtle ways it can have an effect on the overall functioning of their body systems. Not getting enough physical activity, sitting for long periods of time, or dehydration, can all lead to the digestive tract not properly moving the way that it should. Other conditions that can effect your system and lead to constipation being diagnosed in Los Angeles is pregnancy, lack of overall fluid intake, poor eating habits, destructive eating habits. travel, stress, pain mediations and high intake of certain foods such as dairy.

How is Constipation Diagnosed in Los Angeles?

 The problem with how constipation is diagnosed is that it is highly specific to the individual. Because each individual has their own cycle of regularity what may be diagnosed as constipation in one individual may be regular and normal for another. While some people have one or more bowel movements a day, others can go for up to three days without being diagnosed with constipation. Being diagnosed with constipation is a combination between clinical definitions and the experience of the individual.

In medical terms, constipation is diagnosed as having a hard stool, or one that is uneasy to pass more than 25% of the time, not being able to completely evacuate the bowels when attempting a bowel movement, or having to strain to produce one more than a quarter of the time. If you are having a chronic, or acute episode, that is the way in which it will be diagnosed in Los Angeles. Again, because each individual’s system is different every person will be diagnosed differently according to their overall experience and symptom base.

When Should I Seek the Advice of a Clinician to be Diagnosed with Constipation

If your bowel movements are hard, or are causing you straining or pain, you should seek the consult of a colorectal specialist in Los Angeles. Although in most cases constipation will be something that can be treated with dietary changes and over the counter, or natural remedies, if it is a persistent problem, or one that is causing you significant trouble, the help of a professional is always advised.

How To Treat Constipation in Los Angeles With Or Without Medical Attention

Everyone will experience constipation throughout their lifetimes. It is an inability to achieve a regular, bowel movement that at times is mostly uncomfortable but will require no intervention. At times it is just an inconvenience, but for some acute, or chronic constipation can disrupt their daily routine, or in worse cases, be a symptom of something more serious. There are many different ways to treat constipation, depending on the underlying causes of it. The best way to treat constipation is by first identifying the causes of it and then trying to combat it effectively either through natural, or other means in Los Angeles when necessary.

What is constipation?

Constipation is the inability to evacuate feces from the body. it can either mean that a person is having an irregular bowel movement, or that one can not be achieved at all. Each individual has their own bowel habits, some evacuating their bowels once a day, some several, but when that natural balance is somehow disrupted, it can lead to constipation. On average, for good colon health, a person should have at least one bowel movement a day and if one is not produced within three days, you are considered to be clinically constipated. Anytime the bowel movements become disrupted the stool can become harder to pass, which can begin a cycle of constipation that may require the individual to treat the condition. When your stools are hard to pass, or painful, you may want to consider various ways to treat constipation in Los Angeles.

Although there is no clear definition of constipation, it is marked by certain symptoms and signs. For a person to be defined as truly experiencing a bout of constipation they usually are having a hard time passing stool more than 25% of the time, are unable to completely evacuate their bowels at any given bowel movement, or are having to strain, or there is pain, when having a bowel movement. The clinical definition of constipation is not being able to produce stool a minimum of twice per week effectively. The ways to treat constipation will be determined by the cause, and scope of the severity being experienced by the individual in Los Angeles.

What are the specific causes of constipation?

Constipation occurs when there is not enough fluid in the stool. In most cases it is caused by the colon absorbing too much moisture from the food you eat, which causes the stool to become hard and painful to pass. The high absorption rate in the colon is usually caused by food taking longer to pass through the digestive tract. There are many reasons why food passes more slowly through the  digestive tract some which will require that a person treat for it and others will not. The decision to treat constipation really depends on how much discomfort, or pain, the person is experiencing from the episodes. Many times acute constipation can go without the need to treat, but chronic constipation will almost always require a person to take actions to treat the condition in Los Angeles.

There are some people who will just naturally not have as many bowel movements on a regular basis. Genetic factors have a huge play in the rapidity that food moves through the system as each individual has a regular cycle. Other causes which may require a person to treat, however, are those which change the cycle to make it irregular. Not getting enough movement throughout the day, or stimulating the bowel system, can make you sluggish and move waste slowly leading to constipation. Also traveling, or sitting for long periods of time can have the same effect.  Additional things that you can treat are use of pain medications, not intaking enough fluid, stress, depression, an eating disorder, not eating properly, or a high consumption of dairy.

How to treat for both chronic and acute constipation

When you are constipated the best thing to do is to try to alter the underlying cause naturally, or to prevent them all together. Getting at least 2 liters of water per day may help to treat dehydration and keep your bowels moving regularly. The way to treat through dietary habits is through not overeating dairy products and increasing your fiber intake. Getting plenty of exercise is not only good for your other body systems, but can help to regulate your colon and keep food moving quickly through the body. Trying to stave off constipation in Los Angeles is best by monitoring your daily routine and adjusting for any changes in it.

Sometimes natural methods of preventing causes will not be enough treat the condition. There are over the counter stimulants and fiber supplements that can make the symptoms of chronic constipation much less severe. Using products such a Miralax can help to break the cycle of constipation and return your bowel health. Fiber supplements can also help to speed the bowel system to eliminate stool from your colon before it become dry and harder to pass. For acute constipation, stimulants can be used, but being careful to not take them for more than 7 days is important so as to not develop an independence on them or mask a more serious medical condition.

When to contact your physician

If you are not able to overcome the symptoms of constipation through natural forms of dietary changes, or simple over the counter remedies to treat it, it may be a sign of something more serious. If you are not seeing marked improvements, or experiencing signs for more than a week, you should consult a colorectal specialist in Los Angeles. Constipation is not only frustrating but in some cases an be a sign of something more ominous.

How To Prevent Constipation Before It Starts

Anyone who has experienced constipation knows that it is not a pleasant thing. In most cases constipation is something that is just an annoyance, but for others it can be severe enough to affect their daily lives. Because each individual will experience constipation so differently, the diagnosis of constipation is difficult as is the intervention for it. While some will have constipation only on occasion, or rarely, others will experience constipation on a continual basis and it will be more life altering. The best way to treat constipation is through finding ways to prevent it all together. If you are experiencing constipation in Los Angeles you may be wondering how to prevent it from reoccurring.

Constipation is the inability to have a regular bowel movement. That is where the definition becomes hard to decipher. Each person has their own regulatory system for evacuation of the bowels. For some having one bowel movement or more a day is completely normal, while for others, going as many as two or more days is normal. If you want to prevent constipation in Los Angeles the best way to do so is to keep your body operating normally as defined by your own cycle.

What is the Clinical Definition of Constipation?

Chronic constipation is defined as an inability to pass stools without straining more than 25% of the time. It is also marked by the inability to completely pass stool when having a bowel movement, or when passing stool is hard, or painful, more than a quarter of the time. Acute constipation is defined by having a hard time having a bowel movement at any given time, or when having one straining, or experiencing pain. In most cases, going without a bowel movement for more than 3 days will cause the symptoms of constipation. One way, therefore to prevent constipation is to make sure that you have regular bowel movements in Los Angeles.

In simplest terms, constipation is caused when the colon does not have enough fluid to keep stools moist to pass through the system easily. When the colon absorbs too much liquid from the foods we eat, the feces will become dry and hard to pass. The best way to prevent constipation is to minimize changes to your bowel habits, or causes for the digestive tract to slow down. To prevent constipation in Los Angeles, it is important to combat for any lifestyle, or dietary changes to your routine.

What Causes Constipation and How to Prevent it?

There are many causes to constipation, and the best way to prevent it is to recognize what those causes are. The best way to prevent constipation is to make sure that you maintain healthy hydration. You can most likely prevent constipation by consuming at least 2 liters of water a day. Another way to prevent constipation is by having enough fiber in your diet, and avoiding too many dairy products. Fiber is a good way to prevent constipation because it moves food quickly through the digestive tract. When you consume too much dairy, it will slow down digestion which can lead to dry and hard stools that become difficult to pass.

Another way to prevent constipation is through getting enough daily activity. When you are inactive, it can cause your digestive system to slow down, getting enough physical activity will prevent constipation as will not sitting for long periods of time as when traveling. Other causes of constipation which are more hard to prevent are pregnancy, depression, pain medications and stress. The best way to prevent for them is by making sure to compensate by making subtle changes to your routine. Adding supplements to your diet such as fiber will help to maintain your regularity. When needed, it may be necessary to use a stimulant to flush the system before any prevention can be initiated.

When is it Necessary to Seek the Attention of a Professional?

There are times when prevention is not enough to curb the symptoms of constipation. When it becomes painful, or disruptive to your daily life, it is time to seek the advice of a colorectal specialist in Los Angeles. It is always best to rule out any serious, or underlying conditions, that may be perpetuating chronic constipation in your life.

Who Is Affected By Constipation in Los Angeles And Why?

Almost everyone will find themselves feeling a bit bloated at certain times throughout their lives. Constipation is difficult sometimes to diagnose specifically because its experience for the individual is so different and specific to their own regulatory bowel habits. What may seem like constipation to one person, may be completely regular to another. Each individual will experience at least one bout of constipation during their life span, the severity, frequency, cause and treatment for it, however, will vary greatly not only between individuals, but between episodes experienced. Every person will be affected by constipation, some may require intervention, while others will not.

A person who is affected by constipation knows right away how uncomfortable the experience is. When a person is experiencing an episode of constipation it is not usually something that is very serious, and in most cases an acute episode will not cause the individual affected enough pain to have to seek treatment. When a person is affected enough to cause pain, or to alter their daily routine, then it may be time to find effective forms of treatment and prevention in Los Angeles.

What is Constipation?

 Constipation is when there is not enough liquid in the colon for feces to move efficiently through it. When the colon absorbs too much of the fluid from the food we eat, the stool will become dry and hard. When that happens, the person is affected by waste moving uneasily through the system, many times it will be accompanied by pain and discomfort. The amount of pain the person is affected with depends on the individual. Each person’s system is different and is regulated differently, meaning that not everyone evacuates their bowels at the same frequency, or with the same pattern.

Constipation is diagnosed differently for each person and is related to the experience of the individual and how they are affected. There are some individuals who feel constipated if they do not have a daily bowel movement while it is not uncommon for others to go a day or two without being affected by constipation. There are also different ways in which an individual can be experience constipation, either chronically, or acutely. Many times constipation can be treated with little effort and the person will cease to be affected any longer. There are some who will experience more chronic constipation conditions which will require them to make either subtle changes to their daily routine, or they may require medical intervention in Los Angeles.

What are the Reasons Why a Person is Affected by Constipation?

There are many reasons why a person may have constipation. Some are harmless causes such as acute dehydration, travel, sedentary lifestyle habits, pain medications or dietary habits. Others are more long standing such as pregnancy, depression or an underlying diagnosable condition. Often times a person being affected by constipation can make changes to their diets, or their daily routine, to combat its effects. The best path to follow when being affected by constipation is by making the natural changes that will help to alleviate the symptoms of constipation in Los Angeles.

Making simple changes to diet like increasing fiber intake, not eating too many dairy products, and maintaining good hydration will help the symptoms of constipation. Also getting the body stimulated by increasing activity will help to pass foods more quickly through the digestive tract and make it less likely that the colon will absorb water from the food too quickly. When natural methods are not enough to help the person affected by constipation, it may be necessary to add daily supplements, or over the counter constipation relievers, to their routine.

Many over the counter products will help to either stimulate, or to regulate the bowels to reduce the incidence of constipation. Be careful when using stimulants however, they can cause dependency, and have a tendency to make chronic constipation a problem for the individual in Los Angeles even greater.

When it is Time to Seek Medical Advice?

While constipation is uncomfortable, it is rarely harmful to the person affected by it. If you are finding that your bowel habits have changed significantly and no natural treatment is helping to alleviate your symptoms it is best to consult a colorectal specialist in Los Angeles. Sometimes the underlying cause for constipation is something more serious that will require the help of a professional.

What Are The Common Causes of Constipation

Constipation is not only annoying it can make a person very uncomfortable. For most people it can be just a minor irritant, but there are those for whom constipation can be chronic and debilitating. In most cases the causes of constipation are easy to pinpoint while in others, there is no identifying causes. That can be frustrating for an individual searching for a way to alleviate the symptoms. Knowing the causes of constipation is key to determining how best to treat it. For constipation sufferers in Los Angeles, relief can only be found through fixing the underlying problem for it.

What Is The Definition Of Constipation?

Constipation is a condition that is defined by the inability to either have a bowel movement or having irregular bowel movements that are uncomfortable or hard to pass. Although everyone has a specific cycle for bowel movement it can vary in range greatly being individualized to their system. When those bowel movements become irregular, the person is said to be constipated. Normally a person should have at least one in a three day period. After three days without evacuation, the stool can become rigid and hard to pass and the person will be experiencing constipation in Los Angeles.

There are three things that define constipation those are: When you have to strain at least 25% of the time to achieve a bowel movement, when they are hard to pass more than a quarter of the time, when there is not complete evacuation from a bowel movement, or having fewer than two bowel movements per week. If you are continually experiencing these symptoms, you may need to take steps to overcome it in Los Angeles.

What Causes A Person To Become Constipated?

Constipation is caused when the colon absorbs too much of the fluid from food. The more time it takes to move food through your digestive tract, the more likely you are to become constipated. More time needed for digestion means that your colon has more time to absorb the water in the foods you eat. When your colon is not supplied with enough fluid, the feces becomes hard and dry making evacuation of it harder which causes the symptoms of constipation.

Although genetics causes the regularity of your system, there are factors that can change the frequency of your movements and those which you can control for. There are those things that you do, or that you eat, that significantly effect your ability to evacuate stool from your system. A major cause of constipation in Los Angeles is inactivity. If you do not move around regularly, you do not stimulate your system to move the waste through it. Lack of exercise can be a major cause of constipation. Likewise, varying from your daily activities such as traveling, can effect your intestines, making you feel sluggish slowing down your system and making constipation more likely.

What Are The Dietary Causes To Constipation?

Dietary causes are of concern for those experiencing constipation. If you are not getting enough fiber in your diet, it can cause your stools to be hard and difficult to pass. Adding fiber to your diet is one of the best ways to alleviate occasional, or chronic, constipation. Another dietary pitfall that causes symptomatic constipation is excessive dairy intake. Dairy slows down digestion while fiber speeds it up. Speeding up the time that food takes to clear the system, is the best way to combat constipation.

Other causes of constipation are things such as pregnancy, stress, pain medications, eating disorders, and depression. They can all effect your ability to move stool through your colon. Anything that the body takes in that changes the balance of it, or slows digestion, will have consequences on your bowel habits which can lead to causes of constipation. The best way to treat constipation is through prevention. Making sure to be cautious about what you are eating, or compensating for changes in your daily habits is the best way to stave off bouts of constipation. Drinking plenty of water and getting a healthy amount of exercise will keep your system working efficiently and keep the balance of water in your colon conducive to health bowel habits undoing the causes of it to begin with.

When to See a Doctor

There are times when your bowel habits will change and simple changes that you make on your own will not be sufficient. For times when you are unable to manage the causes of constipation on your own, it may be necessary to consult a colorectal specialist in Los Angeles. If you cannot combat constipation on your own, seek professional help.

Taking A Better Look At The Natural Hemorrhoid Cure Called The H Miracle

Many people have had to cope with the pain and shame of hemorrhoids. Some men and women have even had to schedule surgery in order to get relief. For some people daily ointments and lotions have been the easiest way they can deal with it. Up until now those were the only alternatives to help people cope with this condition.


Now there’s a completely new product on the market named the “H Miracle”, which can offer you relief from your hemorrhoidal inflammation using natural methods. The simple fact that hemorrhoids can be painful and also disturbing is only the beginning as they can also affect other aspects of your life. And if you are already a sufferer of hemorrhoids and likewise have some type of desk job, you may end up suffering more than others. For these individuals in particular, hemorrhoids can be exceptionally painful and can affect the amount of work they can do every day.


Hemorrhoids is furthermore an affliction which affects millions of men and women. While many people may only need to make use of hemorrhoid ointments every now and again other people have more severe cases and are using treatments throughout the day in order to handle the pain. In this product you will learn four mistakes that people commonly make in their diet. Not only will you learn what you need to keep clear of but you’ll also understand why.


You will additionally learn many of the distinctive causes of hemorrhoids. You’ll also find many testimonies all of which happen to be unsolicited. This implies that these people supplied these testimonials voluntarily without ever being contacted. Many of these individuals who have sent in testimonials, have boasted that they’ve seen improvements in just a couple of days. At this time many doctors are truly recommending this program to their clients who suffer from hemorrhoids despite the fact that this program was not created by a medical professional. That point in and of itself really shows the helpfulness of this package. And because this particular program works on the root problem of hemorrhoids and not just the signs and symptoms it is, in my opinion, the perfect solution to anyone struggling from hemorrhoids. And when you consider the cost of these creams and prescription drugs the fact that this program just costs $69.95 means you could end up saving a whole lot of money. Your price savings could end up in the thousands if you’re one of the unfortunate people who use prescribed drugs constantly each and every day.


The individual who formulated this program is Holly Hayden, and just to be clear she is not a doctor. Holly is an independent remedy researcher and when you get this package you’ll also receive five bonuses all dealing with natural remedies. And the fact that this program features a money back guarantee makes this a excellent choice. But because this program can work within just a couple of weeks, you have plenty of time to know if this program has worked for you. And if for some unheard of reason you to ask for a prompt refund, you will still be able to keep her bonus gifts to you. So if you are one of the many people suffering from hemorrhoidal inflammation and your are looking for a remedy rather than a cream this program is something you really should look into. Don’t forget that this package comes with a 60 day money back guarantee so you have absolutely nothing to lose besides your hemorrhoids.

The Job Of Proctologists

Medical science is actually a vast, particularly if you take a look at the available fields. Those who aim to become doctors know of this. Anybody who prefers to be a doctor should then choose what kind of doctor or field of medical science he or she should pursue. One can choose from the various kinds of profession in medicine with the many divisions in medical care. Among the many divisions that a person could consider is actually the field of proctology. And the person who masters this field is called as a proctologist or colorectal doctor.

Colorectal doctor or a rectal surgeon is somebody who sees the variety of medical conditions related to the colon, rectum and the anus. Apart from that, they are also the ones that treat the problems related to these areas. There also times when a proctologist has to work closely with other medical experts to treat other issues. The doctors they work are mostly those experts in gynecology, gastroenterology or urology.

The conditions, ailments or diseases they treat are numerous and vary in numerous ways. The easiest conditions they treat can be severe non-bacterial diarrhea and constipation. The also treat fecal incontinence that are brought on by numerous causes like muscle and nerve damage, dysfunctions and numerous others. Apart from that, a proctologist also performs colonoscopy. a medical procedure that will permit a proctologist to check the patient’s rectum and colon. With this procedure, it’s still easy to determine if the individual is suffering from serious rectal issues like colon cancer, polyps or hemorrhoids.

For serious issues in the big intestine, it is still a must to go to a proctologist who has quite a lot of experience. If the drawback is as easy as mild constipation, diarrhea or little cases of hemorrhoids, a general proctology practitioner may be enough. A proctologist with superior qualifications and much more experiences could be needed for much more severe issues that would need surgery and more cautious treatment. Any type of ailment will certainly be given an appropriate solution with the help of an expert.

Unfortunately, most people are ashamed of visiting a colorectal doctor. Some will even fear the consultation because they don’t want to undergo a colonoscopy procedure. Basically, Los Angeles colonoscopy treatment is a medical procedure where a tube is inserted in the anus in order to perform a thorough check-up on the rectum and the colon. Even if it’s needed, a lot of people will not wish to consult a proctologist. However, in case you really care about yourself, never be fearful of visiting a proctologist.