How To Prevent Constipation Before It Starts

Anyone who has experienced constipation knows that it is not a pleasant thing. In most cases constipation is something that is just an annoyance, but for others it can be severe enough to affect their daily lives. Because each individual will experience constipation so differently, the diagnosis of constipation is difficult as is the intervention for it. While some will have constipation only on occasion, or rarely, others will experience constipation on a continual basis and it will be more life altering. The best way to treat constipation is through finding ways to prevent it all together. If you are experiencing constipation in Los Angeles you may be wondering how to prevent it from reoccurring.

Constipation is the inability to have a regular bowel movement. That is where the definition becomes hard to decipher. Each person has their own regulatory system for evacuation of the bowels. For some having one bowel movement or more a day is completely normal, while for others, going as many as two or more days is normal. If you want to prevent constipation in Los Angeles the best way to do so is to keep your body operating normally as defined by your own cycle.

What is the Clinical Definition of Constipation?

Chronic constipation is defined as an inability to pass stools without straining more than 25% of the time. It is also marked by the inability to completely pass stool when having a bowel movement, or when passing stool is hard, or painful, more than a quarter of the time. Acute constipation is defined by having a hard time having a bowel movement at any given time, or when having one straining, or experiencing pain. In most cases, going without a bowel movement for more than 3 days will cause the symptoms of constipation. One way, therefore to prevent constipation is to make sure that you have regular bowel movements in Los Angeles.

In simplest terms, constipation is caused when the colon does not have enough fluid to keep stools moist to pass through the system easily. When the colon absorbs too much liquid from the foods we eat, the feces will become dry and hard to pass. The best way to prevent constipation is to minimize changes to your bowel habits, or causes for the digestive tract to slow down. To prevent constipation in Los Angeles, it is important to combat for any lifestyle, or dietary changes to your routine.

What Causes Constipation and How to Prevent it?

There are many causes to constipation, and the best way to prevent it is to recognize what those causes are. The best way to prevent constipation is to make sure that you maintain healthy hydration. You can most likely prevent constipation by consuming at least 2 liters of water a day. Another way to prevent constipation is by having enough fiber in your diet, and avoiding too many dairy products. Fiber is a good way to prevent constipation because it moves food quickly through the digestive tract. When you consume too much dairy, it will slow down digestion which can lead to dry and hard stools that become difficult to pass.

Another way to prevent constipation is through getting enough daily activity. When you are inactive, it can cause your digestive system to slow down, getting enough physical activity will prevent constipation as will not sitting for long periods of time as when traveling. Other causes of constipation which are more hard to prevent are pregnancy, depression, pain medications and stress. The best way to prevent for them is by making sure to compensate by making subtle changes to your routine. Adding supplements to your diet such as fiber will help to maintain your regularity. When needed, it may be necessary to use a stimulant to flush the system before any prevention can be initiated.

When is it Necessary to Seek the Attention of a Professional?

There are times when prevention is not enough to curb the symptoms of constipation. When it becomes painful, or disruptive to your daily life, it is time to seek the advice of a colorectal specialist in Los Angeles. It is always best to rule out any serious, or underlying conditions, that may be perpetuating chronic constipation in your life.