How To Treat Constipation in Los Angeles With Or Without Medical Attention

Everyone will experience constipation throughout their lifetimes. It is an inability to achieve a regular, bowel movement that at times is mostly uncomfortable but will require no intervention. At times it is just an inconvenience, but for some acute, or chronic constipation can disrupt their daily routine, or in worse cases, be a symptom of something more serious. There are many different ways to treat constipation, depending on the underlying causes of it. The best way to treat constipation is by first identifying the causes of it and then trying to combat it effectively either through natural, or other means in Los Angeles when necessary.

What is constipation?

Constipation is the inability to evacuate feces from the body. it can either mean that a person is having an irregular bowel movement, or that one can not be achieved at all. Each individual has their own bowel habits, some evacuating their bowels once a day, some several, but when that natural balance is somehow disrupted, it can lead to constipation. On average, for good colon health, a person should have at least one bowel movement a day and if one is not produced within three days, you are considered to be clinically constipated. Anytime the bowel movements become disrupted the stool can become harder to pass, which can begin a cycle of constipation that may require the individual to treat the condition. When your stools are hard to pass, or painful, you may want to consider various ways to treat constipation in Los Angeles.

Although there is no clear definition of constipation, it is marked by certain symptoms and signs. For a person to be defined as truly experiencing a bout of constipation they usually are having a hard time passing stool more than 25% of the time, are unable to completely evacuate their bowels at any given bowel movement, or are having to strain, or there is pain, when having a bowel movement. The clinical definition of constipation is not being able to produce stool a minimum of twice per week effectively. The ways to treat constipation will be determined by the cause, and scope of the severity being experienced by the individual in Los Angeles.

What are the specific causes of constipation?

Constipation occurs when there is not enough fluid in the stool. In most cases it is caused by the colon absorbing too much moisture from the food you eat, which causes the stool to become hard and painful to pass. The high absorption rate in the colon is usually caused by food taking longer to pass through the digestive tract. There are many reasons why food passes more slowly through the  digestive tract some which will require that a person treat for it and others will not. The decision to treat constipation really depends on how much discomfort, or pain, the person is experiencing from the episodes. Many times acute constipation can go without the need to treat, but chronic constipation will almost always require a person to take actions to treat the condition in Los Angeles.

There are some people who will just naturally not have as many bowel movements on a regular basis. Genetic factors have a huge play in the rapidity that food moves through the system as each individual has a regular cycle. Other causes which may require a person to treat, however, are those which change the cycle to make it irregular. Not getting enough movement throughout the day, or stimulating the bowel system, can make you sluggish and move waste slowly leading to constipation. Also traveling, or sitting for long periods of time can have the same effect.  Additional things that you can treat are use of pain medications, not intaking enough fluid, stress, depression, an eating disorder, not eating properly, or a high consumption of dairy.

How to treat for both chronic and acute constipation

When you are constipated the best thing to do is to try to alter the underlying cause naturally, or to prevent them all together. Getting at least 2 liters of water per day may help to treat dehydration and keep your bowels moving regularly. The way to treat through dietary habits is through not overeating dairy products and increasing your fiber intake. Getting plenty of exercise is not only good for your other body systems, but can help to regulate your colon and keep food moving quickly through the body. Trying to stave off constipation in Los Angeles is best by monitoring your daily routine and adjusting for any changes in it.

Sometimes natural methods of preventing causes will not be enough treat the condition. There are over the counter stimulants and fiber supplements that can make the symptoms of chronic constipation much less severe. Using products such a Miralax can help to break the cycle of constipation and return your bowel health. Fiber supplements can also help to speed the bowel system to eliminate stool from your colon before it become dry and harder to pass. For acute constipation, stimulants can be used, but being careful to not take them for more than 7 days is important so as to not develop an independence on them or mask a more serious medical condition.

When to contact your physician

If you are not able to overcome the symptoms of constipation through natural forms of dietary changes, or simple over the counter remedies to treat it, it may be a sign of something more serious. If you are not seeing marked improvements, or experiencing signs for more than a week, you should consult a colorectal specialist in Los Angeles. Constipation is not only frustrating but in some cases an be a sign of something more ominous.